The number of stay-at-home dads is increasing again in the United States! Pew Research Center has just published a new report, “Growing Number of Dads at home with the kids”, and it is impressive! The world is changing and Dads are definitely more hands on quality time with their children.

The major commanding improvements are the number of fathers who stay home with their children under 18. This figure has just about doubled since 1989, and now 16% or 2 million fathers are full time stay-at-home caregivers to their children. This percentage has grown from 10% in 1989.

What are some of the reasons for the strong growth of stay-at-home dads?

  1. 35% are home because of illness or disability

  2. 23% cannot find a job

  3. 21% stay to care for family and home

Even with this increase in stay-at-home dads, 16% of fathers with children still live apart from their kids.

52% of stay-at-home fathers are white, 20% are Hispanic and 16% are black. In addition, and almost equal share of working fathers (48%) and mothers (52%) say they would prefer to be home raising their children, but must work for family income.