Have You Been Hacked by Your Ex? Know Your Rights in Texas!
Is your computer being hacked during a divorce in Texas? If you think your ex is hacking your computer or social networks (or may try) , read advice on how to handle this on the blog of Dallas Fathers Rights Divorce Attorney, Mark Nacol, of the Nacol Law FIrm P.C.
Social Networking and Your Lawsuit: A Risky Combustible Combination!
Dallas fathers rights attorney attorney Mark Nacol, also board certified in Civil Trial Law, states that evidence from all social media sites is now being used by prosecutors, defense attorneys, personal injury attorneys, civil dispute attorneys, employment attorneys and foremost by family attorneys!
Social Networking’s Impact on Lawsuits: Some Do’s and Don’ts!
Read some very interesting statistics from Pew Research on Anonymity, Privacy and Security Online on the blog of Dallas Fathers Rights attorney Mark Nacol of the Nacol Law Firm PC
Think Before You Post On Social Networking Sites!
Having Relationship issues? Going through a divorce? You should exercise careful thoughtful judgment when posting on social networking sites. Think before your post! Read more advice for fathers going through a divorce on the blog of Dallas Fathers Rights attorney Mark Nacol of the Nacol Law Firm.
Think Before Posting on Social Networks
Dallas fathers Rights Attorney Mark Nacol advises you to think before posting on Social Networks!
8144 Walnut Hill Lane
Suite 1190
Dallas, Texas 75231
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday, 8am – 5pm
Friday, 8:30am – 5pm

Attorney Mark A. Nacol is board certified in Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization